Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Taking a Chance

Two days ago I met a young girl, who I will refer to as Maggie, standing on a corner holding up a cardboard sign. A cardboard sign that tells of a class of people, not very highly looked upon, and often ignored.

I put my four way flashers on and got out of my car, not really thinking, just moving. I walked up to Maggie and gently asked her “What’s going on?”

She was homeless and hungry…and pregnant.

“How old are you?”

She was eighteen, had just gotten out of a bad relationship, and was trying to get to Little Rock to stay with her sister.

I didn’t know what to do or how I could help her, but I knew that I wanted to. I didn’t have any cash, but I had some leftovers from the restaurant I’d just left and some crackers. I offered them to her and she quickly accepted…

Over the course of the next two days, and with Lifehouse and my sister behind me, I was able to offer Maggie some encouragement, a bus ticket to her sister, meals, a place to stay, and what I hoped would be a new beginning for her.

Maggie had been homeless for a week, after leaving her abusive, drug-addicted boyfriend of the last year and a half. She was four and a half months pregnant, lonely, and hopeless. Through God’s grace, my sister and I had the chance to sow seeds of love and truth into her…

Maggie had a ticket to Little Rock today. She was supposed to call my sister and I this morning, and we planned to meet her at the bus station; however, though my sister waited for quite some time for her, she never showed up. It’s possible she still made it to that bus, but we will most likely never know.

I can’t quite explain what emotions I have…When I stepped into this situation I was prepared to be lied to and was mindful of the possibility of being taken advantage of… but in the end, I still found myself disappointed…

With the sting of disappointment in my heart, I thought about all that God has done for us. How often do I take HIM for granted? How often do I take for granted the grace he so freely gives and disregard the new beginnings he offers.

Today I’m challenged. I could give up on helping those homeless and in need because of the possibility of their abuse of it, or I can take moments like these and be reminded to not only thank God for all he has given to me, but to step into the life and freedom that he paid so much for me to have.

Be reminded today how much God loves you and how much He has paid for you so that you could have life. And not only life, but life abundantly!

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