Friday, February 11, 2011

It only takes a moment...

It's amazing how one minute we can be full of love for God, and then next feel irritated and frustrated with someone else... It only takes a moment to get sidetracked from what is really important.  Something is wrong with that picture, and sadly, I have been convicted of this very thing in my heart and my life... It is so important to continually renew our hearts and minds in the Lord, but we MUST allow that renewal and transformation process to invade every area of our lives... When it comes to dealing with people that I don't necessarily mesh with all the time, I need to be transformed and see them as God sees them.

I don't want a love that is limited. We know that God loves the world and he sent his son to die for us all... I pray that my heart would be changed and my love for others would transform into a real and pure reflection of God's love...

No more "moments"... I pray that I would never lose sight of God's love IN my life, but especially THROUGH my life...

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